Wisentic welcomes new Talent as IT Project Manager

October 13, 2022

Say hello to Victoria Stjernfeldt, and give her a warm welcome to Wisentic! Since the merger of the two companies into Wisentic, the demand for our services is higher than ever. That's why we are so happy to welcome Victoria, our new Project Manager.

▶ Could you give us a short version about your background and so far, how you like the office espresso?

Hi everyone! I’m excited to finally be on site and get to know the whole team. I have worked with projects in various forms before both as Project manager and release manager but never in a smaller & intimate company like Wisentic. And so far, my experience has been nothing but positive. This also extends to the office coffee which definitely passed the test.

▶ What do you look forward the most to in your role as IT project manager here?

I am delighted to learn more about the insurance industry and hope to bring additional structure to the work. I also look forward to working with our technical solution, users, and the human interaction with IT.  

▶ Finally, do you have a guilty pleasure?

CANDY, I have a terrible sweet tooth. But since previous colleagues have classified my snacking as a distraction I'm going to try to keep it to a minimum ;)

We’re thrilled to have you on board!

Victor Olaisen
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